So after getting the stepper motor finally working, I decided I would start on the LCD display but this time using serial communication. This started fairly well and had a good example in the manual for the chip. There was also a tutorial on AVR Freaks that helped. So I wrote all this up and sent it to the microcontroller and it started writing to the screen, the only problem was that it wasn't writing what it should have. This looked like the next picture, which looks like asian symbols but I think are just normal symbols that are part of the extended ascii sequence.
After fixing the communication I was finally able to turn on the back light of the LCD03-20x4. Next I managed to get some text written to the screen. With the help of this set of posts, again on AVR Freaks, I set up stdout for C to be the LCD screen and so printf now prints directly to the LCD.
I'll post the code for what I have done with the screen below. I would do a circuit schematic but really its quite obvious for the ATmega88a as there is only one UART module and so there is only one TX and one RX pin on the chip. I'm also quite tired tonight after redoing the roof on part of our house (doing the same tomorrow), so can't think what else I was going to post.
#define BAUD_PRESCALE 51 // Started at 103 , down to 95, upto 112
#define USART_LCD_CHARS 20
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h> // for _delay_ms()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ctype.h>
void USART_Init (unsigned int ubrr)
/* baud rate */
UBRR0H = (unsigned char) (ubrr>>8);
UBRR0L = (unsigned char)ubrr;
/* Enable receiver and transmitter */
//UCSR0B = (1<<RXEN0)|(1<<TXEN0);
UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0);
/* Set frame format: 8bit data, 2 stop bit */
UCSR0C = (1<<USBS0)|(1<<UCSZ00)|(1<<UCSZ01);
void USART_Transmit (unsigned char data)
/* Wait for empty transmit buffer */
while (!(UCSR0A & (1<<UDRE0)))
/* Put data into buffer, sends the data */
UDR0 = data;
int USART_PrintChar (char character, FILE *stream)
USART_Transmit (character);
return 0;
void USART_Print_Location(uint8_t line, uint8_t pos) {
if ((line < 1) || (line > USART_LCD_MAXLINES)) {
line = 1;
if ((pos < 1) || (pos > USART_LCD_CHARS)) {
pos = 1;
int main(void)
stdout = &uart_str;
unsigned char sendChar = 65;
printf("Hello World");
printf("RichRobo on Blogger");
//TODO:: Please write your application code
The code really should be commented but I'm too tired to do so now and I'll most likely update and clean up the code soon so I can post it after that. Next job I'm thinking I'll do is to get SPI working between two chips. Before I do this though, I need to get the chip to run without the need for the programmer (AVR ISP mkII) being plugged in.